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Hangfire.Pro.Redis 3.0.3 & 2.8.22

Patch release that fixes a corner-case related to setting a null value to job parameters, adds static analysis back and a fixes a few other issues.

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Hangfire 1.8.5

Maintenance release that allows specifying a favicon for the Dashboard UI, fixes regression for disabled recurring jobs, allows to serialize the AutomaticRetryAttribute filter, and fixes Hangfire.SqlServer’s backward compatibility issue with databases that use the old Schema 5 version.

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Hangfire 1.8.4

This is a patch release that slightly improves the shutdown pipeline of a background job server and allows to get the current server id from IServerFilter implementations.

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Hangfire 1.7.36

This correcting release fixes possible ObjectDisposedException in tests when using a background job server as a hosted process in ASP.NET Core, and a rare issue with the delayed job scheduler, when a scheduled background job was changed bypassing Hangfire API.

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Hangfire 1.8.3

Maintenance release that fixes recurring job problems related to the new MisfireHandlingMode.Ignorable mode and adds a few other minor changes.

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