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Hangfire.Pro 3.0.1 & 2.3.3

Maintenance releases with fixed regressions from 3.0.0 and more consistent state transition logic when empty batches are used.

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Hangfire.Pro 3.0.0

This release uses new features of Hangfire 1.8 to make batches even better. It supports new storage methods to have fewer storage roundtrips, allows explicit queues for batch continuations, adds new widgets to the Job Details page to simplify the navigation between jobs and those batches, and supports a stricter Content Security Policy for Dashboard UI.

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Hangfire 1.8.6

This patch release has several unrelated changes, mainly to polish things and fix some minor problems. Please see the details below.

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Hangfire.Pro.Redis 3.0.3 & 2.8.22

Patch release that fixes a corner-case related to setting a null value to job parameters, adds static analysis back and a fixes a few other issues.

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Hangfire 1.8.5

Maintenance release that allows specifying a favicon for the Dashboard UI, fixes regression for disabled recurring jobs, allows to serialize the AutomaticRetryAttribute filter, and fixes Hangfire.SqlServer’s backward compatibility issue with databases that use the old Schema 5 version.

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