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Hangfire 1.6.10

This is a maintenance release that contains fixes for job continuations and some dashboard issues related to Content Security Policy and recurring jobs page. It’s highly recommended to upgrade to prevent problems with continuations. They are rare, but lead to significant headache.

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Hangfire.Pro 2.0.0-beta2

Hangfire 1.6.9

This is a small correcting release that make it possible to have a workaround for TimeoutException exceptions when using SQL Server with huge arguments or batches. The SqlServerOptions.CommandTimeout option was added to allow to override the default timeout of 30 seconds.

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12 reasons to use message queuing

At Stackify we receive a lot of data from your apps to our Retrace APIs. We queue all of that data as soon as it gets to us and then we use separate background services to process the data. Message queues help a lot with ensuring data is never lost, traffic spikes, etc. We decided we to put together a list of why you should be using message queues!

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Hangfire Pro 1.4.8

This release contains a bunch of fixes for batches, and is recommended for anyone who use them. Batches now always created in a correct state (Started, Completed or Succeeded), depending of state of its jobs. This is the most important change that fixes weird problems with batches that hanging forever.

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