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Hangfire.Pro.Redis 2.8.12

This release fixed another problem which appear with large number of servers and relates to huge amount of “Removing server…” log messages after ungraceful shutdown. Now method which is responsible for removing inactive servers uses a distributed lock to avoid concurrency and produce less Redis commands and logs.

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Hangfire 1.8.0-beta4

The last preview version of the 1.8 release that adds support for dark mode for Dashboard UI (UseDarkModeSupportForDashboard configuration method should be called, since extension packages don’t support this mode yet), allow to use custom JavaScript and CSS files and improve default settings for SQL Server-based job storage to match the recommended options whenever possible.

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Hangfire.Pro.Redis 2.8.11

This release reduces the network bandwidth consumption in environments with hundreds of servers and hundreds of queues. There were unnecessary calls to SMEMBERS servers command in the FetchedJobsWatcher component responsible for fault detection, leading to ServerCount*QueueCount number calls to it.

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Hangfire 1.7.27

This is a maintenance release that adds Turkish language and fixes 85% and less zoom in Safari for the Dashboard UI, and contains some other minor fixes.

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Hangfire 1.7.26

This security patch fixes a regression appeared in the previous version 1.7.25 that makes Dashboard UI available for remote requests in the default configuration, e.g. when no authentication filter specified. Please note that when custom authentication filter is defined as recommended in the documentation, everything works as expected, but upgrade is recommended in any case. Please read the GHSA-7rq6-7gv8-c37h security advisory for details.

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