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Hangfire.Pro.Redis 2.8.15

This release fixes a regression appeared in the previous version 2.8.14 when multiple jobs storages are used – background jobs started to be processed one by one in this case.

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New Company, Hangfire OÜ

Starting from Mar 8, 2022 Hangfire is owned by Hangfire OÜ (private limited), an Estonian company. This change relates only to company’s residence and structure and it’s still owned by me. I was planning the relocation the whole last year after reading Solzhenitsyn’s The Gulag Archipelago, that’s why I was able to do it so quickly. The transition is still in progress, but that’s only because residence change is a slow and complex process – I’m far away and will not return for any reason.

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Hangfire.Pro.Redis 2.8.14

This release fixes “too many results to unpack” regression appeared in 2.8.X when using batch continuations with a lot of background jobs.

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Hangfire 1.7.28

This release contains important fixes for SQL Server-based job storage to work better with sub-second polling (including TimeSpan.Zero for QueuePollingInterval) and properly send heartbeats for long-running jobs even if CLR’s Thread Pool is starved for long periods of time. It is also very likely that some problems related to high CPU usage and high number of fetching queries occurring after deploying new application version to IIS were also fixed (they are almost impossible to catch up, but same workaround already helped in the past).

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Hangfire.Pro.Redis 2.8.13

Maintenance release that fixes fatal error in connection manager after long period of reconnects and “ConnectionMultiplexer is not a Sentinel connection” error when using Hangfire.Pro.Redis.SEv2 package and trying to reconnect to Sentinel nodes after a failure.

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