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Hangfire 1.7.27

This is a maintenance release that adds Turkish language and fixes 85% and less zoom in Safari for the Dashboard UI, and contains some other minor fixes.

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Hangfire 1.7.26

This security patch fixes a regression appeared in the previous version 1.7.25 that makes Dashboard UI available for remote requests in the default configuration, e.g. when no authentication filter specified. Please note that when custom authentication filter is defined as recommended in the documentation, everything works as expected, but upgrade is recommended in any case. Please read the GHSA-7rq6-7gv8-c37h security advisory for details.

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Hangfire 1.7.25

Maintenance release that bumps dependencies in Dashboard UI to the latest patch versions, fixes exception when trying to add a continuation for an already expired job when using Hangfire.SqlServer and contains other minor tweaks.

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Hangfire 1.8.0-beta3

This beta finally adds the Queue property directly to a job and adds all the required overloads to BackgroundJob, RecurringJob classes and IBackgroundJobClient and IRecurringJobManager interfaces to specify queues dynamically at run-time and preserve them between retries. Dashboard UI is now implemented in full-width, so long method names are no longer a problem.

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Hangfire 1.7.24

This is a maintenance release that adds support for async authorization filters via the new DashboardOptions.AsyncAuthorization property, contains small improvements for the Dashboard UI and stops using readcommittedlock table hint when not required in the Hangfire.SqlServer package.

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