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Hangfire.Pro.Redis 2.2.0

This release solves connectivity issues with Redis Cluster 4.X, appeared as a result of breaking changes introduced in Redis 4.0.

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Hangfire 1.6.17

This release contains important improvements when SQL Server is used as a job storage. Distributed locks are much more robust now even when there are significant connectivity issues (like those sometimes happen in Azure or other cloud environments) and require much fewer connections to SQL Server. Another improvement is related to a new option that allows transactions to be committed with fewer round-trips.

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Hangfire 1.6.16

This is yet another maintenance release that fixes a bunch of non-critical bugs in Hangfire.Core and Hangfire.SqlServer packages.

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Hangfire.Pro 2.1.0

This release brings full support for continuations in batches, including the nested ones. Now you can create continuations within a batch even for jobs or batches in nested batches. Consider the following sample:

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Hangfire 1.6.15

This release contains important fixes for the Hangfire.SqlServer package, which is actively using the sp_getapplock stored procedure to synchronize work between different servers. I’ve realized that locks shouldn’t be awaited on SQL Server’s side, because this may lead to SQL Server’s connection pool starvation, because each blocked request will block a single worker thread.

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