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Hangfire.Pro 2.2.1

This release fixes occasional timeout exceptions that occur when attaching nested batch continuations for nested batches that are currently processed. The exception occurred due to a deadlock caused by different batch lock acquisition order when nested batches are involved.

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Hangfire 1.7.4

This is a maintenance release that contains important fixes for the Hangfire.SqlServer package to avoid deadlocks if you have long-running jobs, improvements for background process dispatch loop’s implementation, and also an interesting experimental feature that can transparently make background job creation resilient to transient exceptions by using idempotent retries.

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Hangfire.Pro 2.2.0

This is a maintenance release that plays better with recently released Hangfire 1.7, so you don’t get extra framework packages when targeting .NET Core or .NET Standard 2.0. Also, continuation filters now don’t throw an exception again and again, when continuation has already expired.

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Hangfire 1.7.3 and 1.6.26

This version contains security fixes to prevent possible XSS attacks as described in #1441. They don’t relate to user data submitted to Hangfire directly via method arguments, but it’s recommended to upgrade anyway. If you are using Hangfire 1.6, please upgrade to version 1.6.26 instead.

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Hangfire 1.7.2

This patch release contains stability improvements for recurring jobs, better handling of custom time zone resolvers in Dashboard UI and other minor fixes. If you are upgrading from 1.6.X, please see Upgrading to Hangfire 1.7 article to learn the details.

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