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Unaffected by Codecov Breach

On Apr 15, 2021 Codecov (code coverage tool) team reported Bash Uploader Security Update post where they describe their recent security breach, a yet another attack on supply chain. Since we have used this software for Hangfire in the past, and since it’s still used by one of our projects, Cronos, we began to understand what’s happened. And in short – we’ve used Codecov tool from PyPI (Python Package Index) that’s different from the Bash Uploader one and is unaffected by the recent breach, according to Codecov team.

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Hangfire.Pro.PerformanceCounters 2.2.4

This release fixes problems with missing performance counter instances in Performance Monitor due to changed instance naming rules in Microsoft.Owin.* packages of version 3.X and the absence of instance name sanitization.

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Hangfire 1.7.21 and 1.7.22

This release bumps package versions referenced by Dashboard UI and fixes a possible reason for non-disposed SqlConnection instances in Hangfire.SqlServer storage when distributed lock release throws an exception (possible when using DisableConcurrentExecution filter with long-running jobs).

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Hangfire 1.7.20

This maintenance release adds Norwegian translation, fixes problem with changing time zone of a recurring job, contains improvements for .NET Core integration and fixes Schema 6 migration (for those who didn’t apply it yet) that modifies the last Id column that’s still based on Int32 type, to use Int64 instead.

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Hangfire.Pro.Redis 2.8.6

General improvements for Hangfire.Pro.Redis with better error messages that contain actual problem (for example “No such host is known” instead of “SocketFailure on PING”), eliminated last bits of thread pool usage when using synchronous methods (so everything will be stable now when thread pool threads are busy) and other fixes.

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